Fantasy Sail Weekend set for Dec. 13
Fantasy Sail Weekend will return to Pink Shell Beach Resort and Spa, hosted by Colgate Offshore Sailing School for the second time on Dec. 13.
Doris Colgate, chief executive officer and president of Offshore, said, “In 2007, the Leukemia Cup Regatta participants raised over 3.5 million dollars to further their efforts. We are thrilled to be a part of this important event.”
Fantasy Sail is an annual event held for those who raise a minimum of $8,500 by organizing, promoting or participating in a Leukemia Cup Regatta to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).
Here, top fund-raisers get a once in a lifetime chance to sail with Gary Jobson, America’s Cup winner in 1977 and national chairman of the Leukemia Cup Regatta since 1994. Jobson is also a lymphoma survivor.
The Fantasy Sail Weekend officially starts at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 12, with fund-raising workshops and a welcome party.
Saturday, Dec. 13, racing will start at 9 a.m. with an awards party and dinner at 6:30 p.m.
“I know everyone will be inspired by this special evening,” Doris Colgate said.
In honor of the extraordinary event, Colgate Offshore Sailing School is offering two tune-up workshops with expert instructors on its Colgate 26 fleet. Each three-hour workshop covers getting to know the Colgate 26, go-fast adjustments, a lot of spinnaker work, plus upwind and downwind techniques and tactics.
Half of the $395 per person fee will be given to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
For more, visit or call 985-7511.