Happy Thanksgiving from the Beach Library staff
Upcoming Events
Preschool Story Hour on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 10:30 a.m.
We are closed Thursday, Nov 22, for Thanksgiving.
Special Event Upcoming
You’re invited to an Ice Cream Social in the Library Commons on Saturday, Dec. 1, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ice cream and lemonade will be served in the Commons, third floor, and tours of the expansion will be underway throughout the day.
Returning Materials
If you’re returning books, audios and DVDs after hours, they may be returned to the book drop next to the Annex. If you’re returning items during hours the library is open, we appreciate it if you return the titles to where you checked them out-if from the expansion, then to the second floor return desk, if the Annex, then to the Annex front desk.
Community Room
If you plan to use the Community Room for a presentation, seminar or activity, try to schedule as far in advance as possible. More events are being scheduled so it’s helpful to have an idea of what may be available or if we are able to meet particular scheduling needs. Usually, if done far enough in advance, there are options.
If you’re available and able to volunteer to assist in maintenance one or two hours one day each week, please see me for details.
Coming soon: a quilting circle for those who would like to share their love of quilting, machine or hand, will be starting in January. Meeting the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, the group is for beginners to advanced level. Those who have thought about trying quilting are also invited. Besides sharing quilting discoveries, the socializing is a big part too. Mark the date: starting Jan. 9 and 23.
Please use the bike rack at the corner of the expansion near School Ave. Please do not park in the vicinity of the front entrance.
Side by Side
It’s interesting to note that publishers, including more and more smaller publishing houses, are including digital offerings along with print options. With the completion of construction, we will open Audio Avenue on the first floor, devoted to digital offerings to compliment the print on the second floor.
While digital has had growing pains, it is noteworthy that offerings in this format are no longer something which is in its infancy. One might compare digital to moving into the voting and drinking stages of early adulthood.
The most recent research that follows the U.S. market, available from Nielsen, notes that last year in the week of Oct. 9, 2011, we had 9,471 published print titles and in Oct. 7, 2012, we had 10,188 published print titles. In a few years they will start tracking unit sales figures for digital titles too.
In Canada, BookNet conducted its first survey of where Canadians buy books and what types of books they buy and found that about 16 percent of purchases in the first half of 2012 were of e-books, while paperbacks remained the most popular format, with a 57 percent share (hardcovers were 24 percent and other formats 3 percent). Most Canadians still bought books from bricks-and-mortar stores in the first six months of this year.
Book Discussion
The third Tuesday of each month finds a group gathering to discuss a selected title. While the book is at the heart of the time together, it’s the conversation that makes the event. Ask a staff member for the list of books that have been discussed and check out the posted ‘book discussion poster’ for upcoming titles.
Self-help titles serve the very natural drive of all human beings to find happiness and to be the best that they can be. Added in this regard this week are 50 Things You Can Do to Manage Stress by Wendy Green (155.904 GRE), The Secret to Healing Cancer by Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu (616.994 HSU) and Simple Skincare, Beautiful Skin by Ahed Abdullah, MD (646.726 ABS).
Many of our magazines are sponsored and made possible through the kindness of individuals and businesses. We find that magazines are in great demand and that it is a fairly routine practice to find users spending hours at a time in reading and viewing a variety of publications.
Posted on the bulletin board near the elevator on the second floor are magazines we are seeking sponsors for. Your sponsorship enables us to expand our magazine collection and to make this in-demand resource even more readily available. Thank you for your investment in this regard.
A recorder gives the hours we are open if you call in when we are closed. Open hours are Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 9 to 5, and Saturday 9 to 2. Upon grand-opening, further hours will be added.