Educadorian Art explored at Beach Library
Weekly Activities
Preschool Story Hour on Wednesday, Nov. 7, at 10:30 a.m.
Educadorian Art on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 10:30 a.m.
Dog Day, Thursday, Nov. 8, at 3 to 4:15 p.m. Pre-register.
We are closed Monday, Nov 12, in observance of Veterans’ Day.
Activity Details
If you already familiar with Tiguan folk art, make it a point to participate in the presentation of this Ecuadorian art on Nov 8. If you’re unfamiliar with this style, consider this a fun introduction to the bright colors and approach used. The art of Magdalena Tozquiza will be shared. There’s also a display of her art in the display near the elevator on the second floor.
Dog Day provides the opportunity for a child to read to a dog in a non-threatening environment and with the encouragement/assistance of the dog handler. Pre-register for a 15-minute slot on Nov 8.
Upcoming Events
Want to get started with your iPad or iPhone? Consider participating in the session on Nov. 15, facilitated by Betsy Mangan, as the class explores general settings, organizing apps and multi tasking on the iPad.
Fall Floral Arranging is the focus on Nov. 16, when master gardener Lorrie Wolf demos and offers ideas and ways to prepare fall holiday arrangements. Each participant will do an arrangement to take home. Pre-register and $10 materials fee.
Donna Rizzo and Donald Holman will offer hands-on instructions for making animals from shells on Nov. 17. Pre-register and $2 materials fee. This Saturday time is scheduled to enable families, students and those who work, a chance to enjoy crafts and particularly in coming to appreciate more the shells so close to us.
Energy Saving
As a public building we have tried to take the initiative to protect the environment. In planning the current expansion and renovation project, we have incorporated energy saving design and technology. While we could have worked toward having a green building design certified, it seemed a wiser course to spend money on actual measures instead of having procedures and devices certified.
Our energy saving and green building design consists of integrating an energy management system in monitoring and control systems, energy saving lighting system, a chiller system offering humidity and efficiency, and a rainwater utilization system.
The entire library facility is cooled and heated by a chilling system. During the night when energy rates are lower for institutions, water is cooled and then during open hours that water is circulated throughout the building. It offers humidity control 24/7 and enables air to be circulating, thus fresher and healthier for users as indoor air quality is maintained. In addition, the circulation of this cooled water consumes less energy. The entire system is being monitored so one is aware of the temperature in each area of the library (a given floor can be divided into 10 to 20 zones) with also a calculation as to how much exterior and interior air is circulating.
Many have already commented how much they appreciate the large windows and entering of natural light into the library. The more natural lighting that we use and the less artificial lighting needed during open hours, the more we can reduce energy consumption.
Sunlight is a free resource and by making use of this free light, we can cut our electricity costs and reduce carbon production. There are many benefits of natural light all the way from reducing the occurrence of season affective disorder or SAD to enhancing mood.
We hope you’ll work with the lighting system, finding those spots conducive to natural lighting, and avoiding lights being on for the sake of visible lights. In many areas, lights will not come on til the monitoring system senses occupancy or light is actually needed. In these areas, lights will also go out once no one is present. Lighting can also be set so that bulbs nearest the windows burn less intensely than those far from a source of natural light.
If you’re looking for mystery, fiction, DVDs or non-fiction titles, stop in at the Annex in Seagrape Center. If you’re seeking magazines & newspapers, large print, music CDs or the classics collection visit the Expansion second floor. If you’re looking for the Friend’s Bookstore, go to the third floor of the Expansion.
If you have your own laptop with Internet connectivity, you’re welcome to use Wi-Fi in the Library Commons on the third floor of the Expansion. Cell phone conversations are also OK in this area.
Library Hours
When we are closed, the hours of operation are included in a recording when you call in. Stop by on Monday to Thursday between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.; on Friday from 9 to 5; and on Saturday from 9 to 2. We look forward to seeing you.