
Consider the Library Annex for regular print fiction and DVDs

5 min read

Upcoming Events

Preschool Story Hour on Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 10:30 a.m. in the Community Room.


Plans continue to go well with the renovation. With the fencing in place around the original library facility, the crews are busy with venting and doing the preliminary steps for water pipes. It’s evident that the courtyards (to the left of the Tower lobby when entering the library) are getting to the point that one can figure out what is happening in that area.

It is a pleasure hearing the comments of delight and satisfaction from many who are touring and/or using the expansion.

It’s taking a bit longer to open the parking garage and there remain one or two projects to complete yet until that space is open each day.


Those who are looking for regular print fiction and mystery titles as well as DVDs and children’s titles are encouraged to go to the Annex in the former Friends’ bookstore. The renovation is moving along well so, by Christmas, all of the collection will be under one roof again.


Still seeking a volunteer to assist in landscaping one day one hour a week. Please see me to discuss possibilities.

Community Room & Travel

Those who have visited another country a number of times, enjoyed the adventure and ready to go again, and interested in sharing details are encouraged to see Marsha, staff member, about doing a presentation on the country. Many find such times very worthwhile, as there are always new discoveries to be made. We schedule these in the Community Room and the discussions alone usually make it worth the effort.


Paper books are doing well. BookStats (a report compiled by the Book Industry Work Group and The Association of American Publishers) shows that readers are still buying $27 billion worth of books each year, roughly the same level as in 2010. Independent bookstores have just as many storefronts as they did last year and the year before. It is no surprise that books clamor for our attention as book publishing has more new product introductions in a year than any other industry on planet earth.


Once you have a print copy of a book, it’s yours. You can sell or trade or give it as a gift.

Computer downloads have basically no value once you buy them, except in personal appreciation. Many paper books, though, can increase in value over time. First editions, limited editions and specialized titles have a wonderful history of adding to their owner’s collection.

The fascinating thing about this development is that we don’t have to choose one option and lose the other. One can have an e-reader and also read paper books.


Hearing dates are included in our web calendar as are the regular Board meetings. If you click the link under Library District Board from our webpage at, you’ll see a green square and this gives the opportunity to open a link to the proposed budget. The Board, at this writing, is considering a budget that lowers tax revenue by 7.64 percent.

We hear a range of opinions regarding the budget-all the way from those who would not support the library at all to those who are eminently satisfied with the progress and growth of library services. When one looks at the political spectrum it is no surprise that opinions vary so. The Beach Library has been blessed with dedicated citizens serving on the Library Board who have made a real effort to be informed on library issues and trends, and do so without any remuneration. Volunteers often make the comment when they see the activity behind the scenes that there is much more involved than one is aware of just looking in. Thank you for your effort to be informed.


Available in the expansion is the Classics Collection. These are titles that express some quality of life, truth and beauty, and have stood the test of time, meaning it well represents the time it was written and merits lasting recognition. A classic often makes connections to other ideas and works and recognize influences from other writers or other works of literature.

More Than

Public libraries offer so much more than just popular fiction books. As information leaders in the community, libraries serve as an access point for resources and materials from around the world and across the passages of time. As a central hub, the library is often called upon to host community education, cultural events and employment assistance. We are excited about the new opportunities ahead and with more flexibility through the open architecture of the expansion and renovation; hope to share more ideas in 2013 and beyond.


A recorder gives the hours we are open if you call in when we are closed. Open hours are Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 9 to 5, and Saturday 9 to 2. Upon grand-opening further hours will be added.