To the editor:Armies of people march and say "Black Lives Matter." And other groups are even more forceful when they opine "All Lives matter."And, without question, both declarations are absolutely correct! Lives are precious and only evil, uncaring, and wicked morons would disagree with either ...
To the editor:Just this title alone will make a number of people on both sides upset and furious. To the Liberal Left, having their heroine of progressivism compared to "Tricky Dick" Nixon is an insult. To the conservative right, having Nixon once again dragged through the mud with a comparison ...
Chuck Bodenhafer's guest commentary last week was on point, and I want to add some historical perspective to his comments.n TAXESIn 2011, Mayor Kiker and FMB Council (including Alan Mandel) rolled back the millage rate BUT ADDED a 10 percent Public Service Tax to our monthly electric bill to ...