
Losing one of the good guys

1 min read

To the editor:

The news that the town’s Environmental Services Coordinator, Keith Laakkonen, was leaving for another position as director of the Rookery Bay Reserve in Naples makes me feel both good and bad at the same time.

I feel good for Keith because he landed what he has described as his “dream job.” He interned under the director of the Reserve years ago and was told then that he’d be a great replacement when the boss retired, and years later the prediction was fulfilled.

I feel bad for the town because they are losing a competent, dedicated, dependable and super-professional staffer who knows his stuff and consistently used his knowledge for the best interest of the town and the environment. No one is irreplaceable, but I wish Don Stilwell good luck in filling his shoes.

You’ll be missed, Keith. All the best in the new gig. I hope you’ll keep in touch.

Jay Light

Fort Myers Beach