
Activists to rally for clean water again

2 min read

To the editor:

The Southwest Florida Clean Water Movement will rally again for clean water.

The ongoing efforts by citizens of Southwest Florida to continue to raise awareness for the end of the Lake O releases will hold yet another rally for clean water as a basic human right.

The Southwest Florida Clean Water Movement will converge on Matanzas Bridge on Labor Day weekend, Sunday Sept. 8, at noon. All are welcome and encouraged to attend as we line up at the apex of the bridge with signs, chants and education to spread to motorists, bikers, walkers, boaters, and all who travel over the bridge this day, all in the name of community for community. If we do nothing then we too are a part of our ongoing water quality problems.

We stand united for the betterment of our kids’ futures locally to ensure a healthy eco-system for them to enjoy, respect and protect. In turn, for their children some day to enjoy, respect, and protect. We must unite to fully end the harmful fresh water releases that has and will again turn our water into a dumping ground full of chemicals of which turn toxic killing all forms of sea life, damaging our natural eco-system to the core, destroying tourism and basically threatening our ways of life here on Fort Myers Beach.

Demand an end to the Lake O releases as a community who demand clean water as a basic human right on Sept. 8 on top of the bridge. Bridge the gap! Buy the land south of lake O and send the water south naturally and clean as mother earth intended. We need all of you as a community to get involved with your voice, as your choice for clean water. Remember, if we don’t stand up for something, then we will fall for everything!

Take it to the bridge!

John G Heim

SWFL Clean Water Movement