
Call for Polar Bear Club recruits

2 min read

To the editor:

The eighth annual Fort Myers Beach Polar Bear Jump will be held on New Years Day, Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013.

The event will be held at Castaways Bar and Grill, which is located within Santini Marina Plaza at 7205 Estero Blvd. (telephone 463-4644).

The annual gathering of the Polar Bears is called for at noon, with many of the Polar Bears arriving out of hibernation about 11 a.m. for pre -nourishment. New Polar Bear recruits are always welcomed.

The Polar Bears will cross Estero Boulevard by marching and singing their Polar Bear theme song at approximately 2 p.m. and then take the annual plunge into the bone-chilling water of the Gulf of Mexico beachfront between the Holiday Inn and the Sandarac condominiums.

All participants and observers then return to Castaways and hibernate until 5 p.m. or later. There is a plenty of parking available, and Castaways has both indoor and outdoor seating.

Entertainment will be provided by locally renowned “Smoking Bill and his Smoking Section” who have been the official Polar Bear Club band for the past eight years. This is a day of fun, frolic and great camaraderie, not to mention lots of delicious food and beverages available at Castaways.

The Fort Myers Beach Polar Bears are led by President Doc Malcolm and Vice President Bill Schmidt. All are welcomed to join in this annual event and become part of the club.

Ed Herbert

Secretary of the FMB Polar Bear Club

Fort Myers Beach