
Fault is with voters not election supervisor

2 min read

To the editor:

Enjoyed the article about the election supervisor who stated she would not resign after polls problem. I just had to give my opinion in defense of Lee County Supervisor of Elections Sharon Harrington.

The voters have a responsibility to know what is going to be on the ballot. If the voters had studied all of the amendments prior to going to the polling booths, I believe the waiting time would have been shorter. I studied the amendments prior to voting. I created a little cheat sheet and when I got inside I was able to vote within minutes.

I find fault with the voters and not with the Lee County Supervisor. The amendments were quite lengthy and really needed the voters’ attention. I myself would have had a difficult time deciding on each and every amendment if I was reading it for the first time. I have a four-year college degree and, to be honest with you, I needed to read each amendment over a few times to make sure I understood exactly what each amendment was all about.

Nope, I am not in any way related to Sharon Harrington, never met her, but I do find fault with the voters not being prepared.

Kenneth Spangler
