Expose your business
To the editor:
Advertise your business with in kind donations in support for the Ostego Bay Foundation annual silent auction fundraiser on Dec. 7, at Bonita Bill’s Waterfront Cafe, 702 Fisherman’s Wharf, across from the Marine Science Center.
The mission of the Ostego Bay Foundation, Inc. is to promote the understanding, preservation and enhancement of our unique marine environment through education, research and community involvement. The Marine Science Center provides interactive educational experiences to encourage stewardship of our natural resources.
Founded in 1991, the Ostego Bay Foundation Marine Science Center is a self-funded 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, tax I.D. number 65-0307348. Large or small donations, we are grateful to all our generous donors. Your support makes it possible to continue our mission.
Call the foundation at 765-8101 today to learn how your donation can help the Fort Myers Beach Community.
Dan Eaton
Ostego Bay Foundation, Inc.