BOCC candidate gives thanks and sends regards
To the editor:
I want to thank everyone who helped me out during a long campaign, every new friend I made and every one of the 80,540 people who voted for me. It seems I was wrong about what the voters of the county wanted. All of us NPA’s (no party affiliate candidates) and independents went down. A big disappointment for me, to be sure, but a learning experience.
I also want to congratulate and wish the very best to new commissioner Larry Kiker. As I’ve said all along Larry is a good guy. I expect him to work hard and do his best, and I’m sure he will, and I expect everyone who supported me, on the Beach and off, to support him as our new commissioner.
That’s how the American system works. We work hard during a campaign, debating various strengths, successes and shortcomings and yes, the records of elected officials. Afterward we move on united with new leadership. The voters speak and we all listen. It’s what makes us great.
Good luck Larry. We’re all counting on you.
Charlie Whitehead
San Carlos Island