
Resident enjoys features of new library

2 min read

To the editor:

I attended the Ice Cream Social at the new Fort Myers Beach Public Library and took a guided tour by Library Director Dr. Leroy Hommerding. What a fabulous jewel the new library is for the town of Fort Myers Beach! Anyone who drives by knows how beautiful it is, but as Dr. Hommerding pointed out, it is also beyond state-of-the-art. It is leading edge Century 21 technology!

Every aspect of the building was given careful thought by Dr. Hommerding: the focus groups; the architect; and the Beach Library Board during the past 11 years since the project was first conceived. Its advanced design incorporates features throughout to make it eco-friendly. For example, the solar panels on the roof, which even now generate nearly all the electricity the building consumes, will actually sell its surplus electricity to Florida Power and Light when all the panels are installed.

They have even made provisions in the building if future technology might need new wiring so it can be installed without tearing up existing floors.

Keeping costs to an absolute minimum has been at the forefront of all planning since the beginning. As an example of how successful this planning has been, when the library has its Grand Opening just prior to Christmas, it will be FULLY PAID FOR!

There have been a lot of comments in the paper in recent times by a few men highly critical of how Director Hommerding has conducted the building of this new library. Some of them are running for the vacancies on the Library Board.

To insure these dissidents don’t get on the Library Board, do as I plan to do.

Vote for all of the women and none of the men.

Don Kyte

Fort Myers Beach