
Pirate Festival: a tremendous success

3 min read

To the editor:

Ahoy Fort Myers Beach! It was a close one, but due to circumstances within our control, the 2012 Fort Myers Beach Pirate Festival was a success! Although this year’s fest was only one day, keep in mind the planning, organizing and monumental task was achieved in 10 days.

This was possible due to the collective efforts of all of the following: Town of Fort Myers Beach staff, including Town Manager Terry Stewart, Jeff Richards, Cathie Lewis and Town Council; Lee County Sheriff’s Lt. Ciolino, Capt. Powell, Det. T.J. Deputy Hollywood; the Beach Fire Department’s Chief Darren White, Lt. Ron Martin, Tammy Peacock; the Fort Myers Beach CERT Team and Alan Vacks; and the entire staff of The Greater Beach Chamber of Commerce.

Principal organizers were John Richard, Dave Anderson, Tom Kolar, Brian Roessler, Barry Schrayer, Rob DeGenarro, Bill Freeman, Bonnie Roberts, John Lallo, Capt. Steve Sepulveda, Capt. Phil Doyer, Capt. Troy Springer, Bud Nocera, John Scanlon, Tina Eichen, Chris Linden, Steve and Belinda Hadcock, Doug Sperinsmith, Marc Hawkins, Glee Ann Agius, myself and many more. Restaurant/Bar sponsors were Smokin Oyster Brewery, Nervous Nellie’s, Yucatan Beach Stand, Zushi Zushi, Matanzas Inn, Pete’s Time Out, Dairy Queen of FMB, Lighthouse Tiki Bar, Surf Club, Mermaid Lounge, Parrot Key, Big Game Sports Bar and Beach Pierside Grill. Media sponsors were The Fort Myers Beach Observer, The Beach Bulletin, The Island Sand Paper, NBC-2, ABC-7, FOX 4, Gator Country 101.9, WINK News, Renda Broadcasting and Waterman Broadcasting. Entertainers included The Skeleton Crew, The Pieces of 8 Pirate Ship, The Royal Chessman, Alesea The Blue Mermaid, The Hot Flashz dancers, Travelers Hold, Scott and Anne Hester, Big al and the Fat Cats, Dave Collaton, Ira Wilkes, Anthony Wayne, Cannoneers, Tom Fyock, Tom and Dolly Geffert, Eric Smith, Kevin Smith, Chris Jones, Tim O’Neil, Black Beard, Red Beard, all the beards basically, Matt Hanson, Sandy and Gene Martinelli and ARRR ink. Hotel Sponsors were The Shipwreck Motel, The Lighthouse Resort, The Matanzas inn, The Harbour House hotel, The FMB Best Western Hotel, The Silver Sands Villas, The Holiday Court Motel, The Pierview Hotel, The Beacon Bed and Breakfast hotel and The Sundeck Motel. The Businesses were Shipwreck Treaures, Krusty Pete’s, The Fort Myers Princess Cruises, Maddywear, Bonnie Roberts events, Times Square Merchants Association, Beach Lions Club, Premier Beverage, Bacardi and Sailor Jerry’s Rum Inc. The Volunteers included Bud Nocera, Gail Able, Missy Layfield, Bob Layfield, Mike Bint, Dave Anderson, Hank Shaudys, Ted Clifton, A Beautiful Girl from N.J., and the staff of the Fort Myers Beach Chamber Of Commerce.

In closing, I would like to thank the people of Fort Myers Beach for making it a successful event. We are looking forward to next year.

Stevie D.

Fort Myers Beach