Resident seeks printed answers of Beach Library Board candidates
To the editor:
It has always seemed to me that it’s a good idea for the governing boards of colleges, arts and other cultural organizations to be made up of people who have a genuine interest in furthering the mission and ongoing health of the organization.
Here on the Beach, we’re about to have an election for three positions on the local library board. There are two candidates vying for each seat. They are: Seat 5 Peter Reid vs. incumbent Sallie Seabury; Seat 6 Jim Stevens vs. incumbent Lorrie Wolf; and Seat 7 Bruce Butcher vs. Mary Greer. (The current holder of that seat is not running for re-election.)
I’d really like to make an informed decision about whom to vote for, and I’ll bet many others would, too. To that end, I’m asking each candidate to submit to the local papers their responses to the following three questions:
– When did you get your local library card?
– How many times in the past two years have you actually visited and used the library?
– And, in 150 words or less, what is your motivation for running for the Library Board?
I’m sure the Observer and Sand Paper will be glad to publish your responses. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Note to Jim Stevens: My recent piece about hookers at the Republican convention, to which you so sanctimoniously responded, was satire you know, “tongue-in-cheek.” Sorry you didn’t get it. This one is deadly serious. Hope you respond.
Jay Light
Fort Myers Beach
(Ed. note: I am planning a question and answer forum in a future issue. If you wish, please send answers to Light’s questions to