Repeal COP expansion
To the editor:
There are so many issues with the COP expansion, and this whole mess has been one disingenuous report after another.
This passage of COP is a direct slap in the face to ALL residents. We elected council members, and they have thrown the baby out with the bath water-literally. Businesses have been given beachfront property without paying one penny for this property.
COP does NOT benefit residents. We have asked many questions and council does not believe they must reply. For example, when was COP actually placed on the agenda and by whom, and who authorized the funding of taxpayer dollars in the amount of $14,000 for the study?
Decisions will be made by administrative decision, and these people do not live on the island; therefore, they will not suffer the consequences of those decisions. It is our belief that this whole issue from beginning to end did NOT follow the dictates of our LDC or Comp Plan and that it was a “I’ll do as I want” process.
We would like to repeal this until ALL questions have been answered. Council, you represent the electorate and not the businesses.
Joe and Doris Grant
Fort Myers Beach