
Town attorney sets the record straight

1 min read

To the editor:

It has come to my attention that some members of the public apparently think that I, Marilyn W. Miller, am the candidate who is challenging incumbent Circuit Court Judge Meg Steinbeck in the upcoming election on August 14, 2012.

While I do share the same last name as the person who is running against Judge Steinbeck, our first names are different. The confusion about who is running seems to be especially prevalent in the City of Cape Coral, where I served as an Assistant City Attorney from 1989 to 2010 and became well known as a result of my lengthy tenure and involvement in various high profile City issues.

Ironically, I am, in fact, a strong supporter of Judge Steinbeck and will definitely be voting for her in the upcoming election. I urge everyone to carefully study the background and experience of both candidates in this race. As an attorney who has practiced law in Lee County for almost 32 years, and who has appeared before many Circuit Court Judges, Meg Steinbeck is clearly the most qualified to serve as a Circuit Court Judge.

Marilyn W. Miller

Fowler White Boggs

Fort Myers