Can you handle the truth?
To the editor:
I am astonished that Republicans haven’t expressed outrage over the news report that the Tampa police conducted a prostitution sting in several local strip joints and arrested 16 women prior to the Republican national convention.
After all, support of free enterprise is one of the most basic tenets of Republican philosophy, not to mention their constant desire to get government out of the lives of private citizens. (Unless, of course, they’re talking about a women’s right to control her own body or the issue of whom an individual may marry.) Arresting hookers is the most blatant kind of government intervention.
Furthermore, everyone knows that the Republican Party is the party of morality and family values and therefore, getting hookers off the streets shouldn’t be an issue, since no Republican would even think of engaging in any kind of immoral behavior. Just ask Newt Gingrich or Herman Cain.
Whatever happened to “Just say no?”
Jay Light
Fort Myers Beach