
Boat access an issue in Cape Coral

2 min read

To the editor:

Given the fact that the Cape’s spreader canal is a regional water quality issue, and not just a Cape Coral recreational boating access issue, it is important to respond to some of the half-truths and misstatements stated by Mayor Sullivan.

First, at this point in the process Cape Coral is legally obligated to reconstruct the Ceitus Barrier based upon the Settlement Agreement and the Amended Consent Order, which the City signed. This is a far cry from “only being required to apply” for a DEP permit.

The good Mayor’s veracity is also under water (polluted water) in regard to how the Cape has conducted itself regarding the issue; behavior characterized by stonewalling, insincere negotiations, rejecting any and all responsibilities for environmental impacts (sea grass destruction, etc.), and disregarding a comprehensive six-point approach to rely on a very limited and questionable solution (a fertilizer ordinance). The elected officials of Lee County have worked in a sincere and ethical manner to resolve this issue. But the reality is that the Cape’s objective is to have unimpeded boat access regardless of polluting regional aquatic preserves.

If the existing Consent Order coincides with Lee County’s desire to use the same sheet flow over wetlands solution to preserve water quality, similar to what is being done for restoring the Everglades, my response to the mayor is simple. Yes, I have had enough of failed and parochial Cape leadership, cooked science, and politics over common sense, all of which will destroy the very thing that makes Southwest Florida such a great place to live!

Gary Stuart
