
Beach keeps Spirit of ’45 event

2 min read

To the editor:

The “Keep the Spirit of ’45 Alive!” article in last week’s Beach Observer was inaccurate. The Fort Myers Beach Spirit of ’45 event has not moved to Bonita Springs. They are starting their own celebration, which is a wonderful thing. To see this tribute to our WWII heroes spread to different communities across the country is the mission of the national organizers of this event.

Last year on Aug. 1, Mayor Larry Kiker and the Town Council of Fort Myers Beach issued a proclamation to declare the second Sunday of every August as “Spirit of ’45 Day” in keeping with the National Spirit of ’45 Day. This year, the Fort Myers Beach celebration of “Spirit of 45” will be held at Junkanoo on the Beach on Aug. 12. Junkanoo is graciously hosting 25 WWII veterans for a complementary fish dinner and providing a selected cash menu for their spouses/guests.

Everyone is encouraged and welcomed to attend the beach ceremonial festivities at 6 p.m. Festivities will include an aerial salute to our flag, patriotic music, marching of color guards and bagpiper, guest speakers, the wreath ceremony, and the playing of “Taps.”

The more we can do to honor the great achievements of what has been termed “The Greatest Generation” the better we are able to preserve their legacy of courage and self-sacrifice to further inspire future generations of Americans.

Joe Kosinski

Member, FMB Town Council

Co-organizer, FMB Spirit of ’45