
Parade Grand Marshall thanks Civic group

3 min read

To the editor:

Thank you to Lee Melsek, Dennis Boback, the other Fort Myers Beach Civic Association Board of Directors and to the many volunteers who gave their time to those who entered their special cool-wild-magnificent and creative floats, the beautiful antique cars, the memorable music and band floats, the children’s bicycle groups, on and on with far to many to name, the Fourth of July Parade was indeed fantastic.

Not to throw cold water on the parade or any individual, BUT isn’t it a sad commentary on our Town that the residents, visitors, tourists and the participants in the Fourth of July Parade had no appropriate gathering place where they could gather in a larger and more joyful space where they could have shared the fellowship of their friends and the good people that they might have met.

No sour grapes in this comment; it is merely to notify our Town leaders, residents and businesses that there is a lot of work to be done to bring The Town of Fort Myers Beach into the 21st century. Further, thanks to a business owner who made our day by providing space to as many people that could walk into and around his place after the parade ended so that winners could be announced and come forth to claim their winning trophy. An especially good word for the businesses that unselfishly contributed funds to finance the show! There are great people in our town.

A special thanks to the great number of spectators who came out to enjoy the show! They added the zest needed to make it all worthwhile. And to those who attended, please send a kind word of praise to those who made this festive Independence Day a day to remember. It would be nice and thoughtful if you sent a note that the directors of the FMB Civic Association and the volunteers’ efforts were deeply appreciated to our local newspapers.

One last word: I truly felt honored that some smart thinking and conscientious people chose me to serve as the Grand Marshal of the parade. Thank you – one and all. I appreciated it and all was a joy. After a short talk with a former Grand Marshal yesterday, it was suggested that all of us should combine our efforts to make this Town in compliance as a respectful community in which all can be proud. “Think Positive for future space where Town’s people can meet with family, pride and dignity.” Thank you.

Your Honorable Town Grand Marshall says adios, friends!

Garr Reynolds

Former Mayor

Fort Myers Beach