Larry Kiker … Important for Lee County
To the editor:
Larry Kiker will make a wonderful Lee County Commissioner! Mr. Kiker, mayor of Fort Myers Beach, has established himself as being a hard working, “make-it-happen” kind of guy who will settle for nothing less than the best for the citizens. He’s a businessman who understands and appreciates the importance of working within budgets. He’s against using and abusing the counties’ reserve fund. He’s not happy with the wild baseball spending, especially without necessary commissioner over-sight relative to maximizing the promotional opportunities. He is articulate. He is very bright. And, he will represent Lee County in a professional and productive fashion. Lee County needs Larry Kiker… and a vote for him will be a giant step in the right direction.
Dick Kalfus
Cape Coral
P.S. MORALITY COUNTS! A nation can rise no higher, can be no stronger,
and be no better than the individuals which compose that nation!