Master planning workshop set for Thursday
To the editor:
On Thursday, Jan. 22, interested members of the community are invited to participate in a key master planning workshop for the grounds at Newton Park. As issues surrounding the structures on the property are being resolved, a concentrated effort on grounds planning is underway that will fulfill objectives outlined in the town’s grant agreements with state and local agencies.
This workshop will be lead by landscape architect Greg Diserio of David M. Jones & Associates at the meeting of the property’s advisory board (CELCAB. The CELCAB meeting will be held in town council chambers at 5:30 p.m.
In advance of the workshop, the town will unveil proposed plans for the restoration of the Newton Home – Seven Seas – to serve as a community gathering space and park restrooms, the preliminary master plan for the grounds based on public input to date, and a new portable restroom at the park to serve visitor needs until site restoration is complete.
This gathering and unveiling of Proposed Newton Park plans will begin at 4 p.m. at Newton Park. Community members and visitors are invited to wander the park, look over the proposed plans and speak to the site’s consultant. Formal public input is also encouraged at the CELCAB meeting.
Theresa Schober
Cultural Resources Director
Fort Myers Beach
Master planning workshop set for Thursday
To the editor:
On Thursday, Jan. 22, interested members of the community are invited to participate in a key master planning workshop for the grounds at Newton Park. As issues surrounding the structures on the property are being resolved, a concentrated effort on grounds planning is underway that will fulfill objectives outlined in the town’s grant agreements with state and local agencies.
This workshop will be lead by landscape architect Greg Diserio of David M. Jones & Associates at the meeting of the property’s advisory board (CELCAB. The CELCAB meeting will be held in town council chambers at 5:30 p.m.
In advance of the workshop, the town will unveil proposed plans for the restoration of the Newton Home – Seven Seas – to serve as a community gathering space and park restrooms, the preliminary master plan for the grounds based on public input to date, and a new portable restroom at the park to serve visitor needs until site restoration is complete.
This gathering and unveiling of Proposed Newton Park plans will begin at 4 p.m. Community members and visitors are invited to wander the park, look over the proposed plans and speak to the site’s consultant. Formal public input is also encouraged at the CELCAB meeting.
Theresa Schober
Cultural Resources Director
Fort Myers Beach