
P&Z gives accessory structure ordinance a nod

2 min read

The Cape Coral Planning and Zoning Commission gave its approval Wednesday to an ordinance that amended the land use and development regulations regarding accessory structures. The ordinance clarifies what an approved structure is.

If the Cape Coral City Council also approves the measure, Section 3.1 of the city’s land use and development regulations will add a paragraph that will delineate approved accessory structures. Currently only, garages, satellite antennas, sun shelters, gazebos, sheds, playhouses and recreational facilities are allowed.

Mike Struve, Development Management Team coordinator, said the amendment will “provide uniformity in permitted structures, assist in promoting compatibility, protect property values and eliminate confusion on the types of structures allowed.”

The commission asked where the fine line between approved and unapproved would lie.

P&Z liaison, Councilmember Chris Chulakes-Leetz asked, for example, if a greenhouse could be built.

Struve answered that if it’s integrated into the home, then yes. However, it could not be a separate structure, nor could another permit for a special exception.

P&Z chairwoman Patti Martin asked about unattached garages and what represents a “sun shelter.”

Struve answered a garage would be permissible, attached or otherwise, and said a sun shelter’s definition is a thatched roof without side walls.

The ordinance passed 5-0. City council, which also discussed the measure at its workshop meeting last Monday, has set a public hearing date for the ordinance for Monday.

In other business, the commission passed a resolution 4-1 to allow for a special exception to operate a model home at 2527 Chiquita Blvd.

The vote was continued from November and recommended by staff. However, Martin voted against the measure, saying she opposed model homes, or any homes, on Chiquita.

Also, the commission voted 4-1 to allow for a pan roof screen enclosure to stay as is as a home in the 500 block of Southeast 6th Terrace. Commissioner Max Forgey voted against it.

Also, a home in the 2800 Southwest 45th Street was allowed a variance to have a pool located in the side yard of a single-family structure. The vote passed 4-0, with Commissioner Paul Tee abstaining.

The commission also unanimously approved a deviation for the use of two boat canopies at a home at 1412 Windsor Court, and a deviation to allow for 20 feet of projection for a boat dock on a property at 5418 Coronado Parkway.