
Turkeys, donations, needed for Thanksgiving

2 min read

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and turkeys are in very short supply in order to feed hungry Southwest Floridians. The Harry Chapin Food Bank has put out a plea for the 5,000 turkeys needed by its participating non-profit agencies. These agencies rely on donated turkeys to fill holiday food baskets for the ever-increasing numbers of hungry adults and children.

Higher living costs, coupled with job loss and other difficulties, mean Southwest Florida families are struggling to make ends meet. The approaching holiday season will stress household budgets even more. Struggling families cannot afford holiday meals and other traditions that so many of us take for granted. They need your help.

Individuals can assist the food bank by either purchasing turkeys or contributing financially to purchase turkeys. The approximate cost of each turkey is $15. Businesses can help by holding a turkey drive, collecting money so that the food bank can purchase turkeys, and encouraging customers to support the drive.

To sign up or make a donation for the turkey drive, simply visit You can either make a general donation, or sign up and connect with Facebook to engage your network of friends, family, and coworkers!

Form a “Turkey Team” with family members, co-workers and friends, and multiply your generosity! It’s a great way to join together to help end hunger here this Thanksgiving. Make a donation that will buy turkeys or Thanksgiving meal trimmings for those in need.

Turkeys can be dropped off at the Harry Chapin Food Bank warehouse, 3760 Fowler Street, Fort Myers 33901, or 2221 Corporation Blvd., Naples 34109; checks can be mailed to the same addresses; and you can also make a secure donation online at .

Source: Harry Chapin Food Bank