Safety’s no trick
As local children swarm the streets tonight to beg for candy from their neighbors, authorities are offering some tips to keep everyone safe.
“Visibility, number one,” Dave Webster, a public education specialist at the Cape Coral Fire Department, said Tuesday. “The kids have to be visible.”
Children can use flashlights and glowsticks, and parents can incorporate reflective tape or items into a child’s costume to increase visibility. Wearing a light-colored costume or clothing to start with also accomplishes this.
“Anything to make them seen is certainly a big advantage,” he said.
Whether homemade or store bought, costumes should be made of non-flammable materials. Steer clear of billowing and long trailing fabric that can catch fire, and children should be able to see clearly out of their masks.
“If it impairs their vision, then they’re not going to see the danger before it comes to them,” Webster said.
Makeup may be a better option than a mask.
Costumes should also fit correctly to prevent trips and falls.
“Obviously, younger children should be chaperoned by an adult,” he said, adding that anyone who goes out tonight should be part of a group.
“Nobody should be trick or treating alone,” Webster said.
Trick-or-treaters should stick to the neighborhoods they know.
“Don’t go to people’s homes if you don’t know who they are,” he said.
When out walking, stay on the sidewalk. If there are no sidewalks available, walk along the curb and face traffic, so motorists can see you coming.