
Replica planes to take to skies for annual event

2 min read

Very soon, the skies will be filled with Giants.
The Cape Coral R/Seahawks annual “Gathering of the Giants” event at Seahawk Park is preparing to take to the skies for another year of radio controlled fun.
Like the club’s other events, Giants will feature a host of “larger” radio controlled replica airplanes with wingspans upward of 80 inches or higher.
Organizer Ted Stickler said the event continually draws a regular crowd of observers. He is expecting “several thousand” spectators over the two-day period in late March.
“It’s family oriented entertainment,” Stickler said. “The candy drop for kids is very popular. I’m surprised at the large number of kids who are ready to race and grab some candy.”
The candy grab is just part of the fun spread over both days that includes vendors, food, drinks and prizes for registered pilots.
Stickler added that he has been involved with model planes for 35 years, a hobby that has stuck with him through rearing his family. He found a nice balance that enabled him to honor his responsibilities while still having time to indulge in his passion.
Also, as a young man in Ohio, Stickler was a member of a ground observer group, responsible for reporting any aircraft in the local skies during WWII.
“There’s a certain degree of fantasy involved, seeing these miniature planes flying like full-size planes,” he said. “I’ve always been attracted to airplanes and flying … I find it therapeutic to build the bigger planes.”
The roughly 340 members of the Cape Coral R/Seahawks come from the five-county area, not just the Cape, according to Stickler.
Gathering of the Giants is expected to also draw participants from Georgia and the southern East Coast.
Although the event is free, a parking donation of $5 will benefit the local Boy Scouts group.
Gathering of Giants runs from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. March 21-22. For information, contact Stickler at 282-6391.