
Three Cape schools to participate

3 min read

Three Cape Coral schools will participate in National Recess Week, sponsored by the Cartoon Network, to promote fitness in schools.
From Monday through Friday, thousands of public and private elementary schools will engage in fitness celebrations and an effort to set a new Guinness World Record for the largest simultaneous game of four square.
Also $100,000 worth of school health grants and $100,000 worth of red rubber balls adorned with the message “Get Animated” will be distributed throughout schools nationwide.
City charter schools Oasis Elementary and Christa McAuliffe Elementary have registered for the event as well as the Lee County School District’s Cape Elementary, according to organizers.
Principal Steve Hook said Oasis Elementary is part of National Recess Week for the first time this year.
“Generally, we try to have fitness in our P.E. program and we have recess every day,” said Hook. “I feel it is an important part of school.”
On Tuesday at noon, Oasis will host five different four square games. Besides joining millions of other students in setting a new world record, students at Oasis will also engage in daily recess activities to highlight the celebration.
“Our day is an hour longer so we try to incorporate it (recess) as part of our time,” said Hook. “So many places had to cut it because of budgets. It’s an important part of our budget.”
Oasis is also in the running to be one of 10 schools to receive $10,000 worth of grants for recess equipment, he said.
National Recess Week was first celebrated in 2006 to encourage active lifestyles and well-being.
A study by Dr. Romina M. Barros, assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, said, “School children who receive more recess behave better and are likely to learn more.”
Another study entitled “Recess Rules,” released by the Robert Wood Johnston Foundation, reported that only 36 percent of children meet their recommended amount of physical activity.
This year’s National Recess Week will end with events at the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and a tour of 40 cities this summer.
Also, professional athletes including Miami Heat guard Dwayne Wade, former tennis professional Anna Kournikova and fitness trainer Jillian Michaels from “The Biggest Loser” will visit schools in New York City and Miami.
“This annual event has become a favorite for all of us at Cartoon Network as it offers the opportunity to benefit elementary schools across the country along with the chance to personally volunteer and serve kids in our neighborhoods,” said Stuart Snyder, president for Turner Broadcasting’s Animation, Young Adults and Kids Media group, in a prepared statement.