
Discussion to focus on dyslexia to help educate community

3 min read

It is estimated that 20 percent of the U.S. population is diagnosed with dyslexia — a severe neurological disorder that affects the brain’s processes.
The Learning Solution in Fort Myers will hold a free discussion Monday to educate the community on the disorder.
Dyslexia occurs in children or adults with above average intelligence who find they have a difficult time reading and spelling. Genetically inherited from parents, dyslexia is more common in boys and exhibits no other physical or mental symptoms.
Lori Fox’s son, Tommy, has four types of dyslexia and started receiving tutoring services at The Learning Solutions in fifth grade.
“When he started in the fifth grade, he was at a kindergarten reading level. He went to numerous tutors and nothing helped,” said Fox.
Tommy had to be schooled at home because he was unable to read simple words like “the,” and Fox did not want him labeled in the public school system.
She said even though he was not able to read, Tommy was extremely intelligent and could speak on many topics including the inner organs of an octopus.
At The Learning Solutions, he began tutoring twice a week for 50 minutes. Students are taught to understand the English language from a different perspective.
“Within the first three months, he was reading signs on the road when we were driving around and restaurant names,” said Fox. “Now, Tommy is in the eighth grade and is reading medical terminology.”
The public is invited to the free discussion on dyslexia from 6-9 p.m. at Covenant Community Ministry auditorium, 940 Tarpon St., Fort Myers.
Susan Barton, a national recognized expert on dyslexia, will provide attendees with information on the disorder.
She will cover the signs of dyslexia; techniques to teach, read and spell; methods that are not helpful to a person with dyslexia; and the latest research in genetics and activity within the brain.
Barton founded Bright Solutions for Dyslexia in 1998 in California, and she gives seminars across the United States.
According to Fox, Barton’s technique of dealing with dyslexia is employed at The Learning Solutions.
There are currently 15 students enrolled at The Learning Solutions.
Those interested in finding out if they are dyslexic can be tested over the course of an hour-and-a-half at the center.
Attendance at Monday’s discussion is a chance for licensed mental health professionals, social workers and educators to earn continuing education units.
For more information, contact The Learning Solutions at 313-6211.