
CCCIA roasts Fla. representative — others also join fun

2 min read

Sensei Bernie Dougherty of the Kobayashi Dojo may have taught state Rep. Gary Aubuchon, R-Cape Coral, karate, but he pulled no punches Thursday night during the Cape Coral Construction Industry Association’s roast of Aubuchon.

“This group of people, especially the children, beat Gary into the man he is today,” Dougherty said, pointing to a picture of Dojo members.

Aubuchon’s fellow legislator, Sen. Garrett Richter, R-Naples, also got in on the fun.

He relayed a story about the first time he and Aubuchon met Speaker of the House Marco Rubio, R-Miami.

“Is anybody expecting a package?” Rubio asked when Aubuchon entered donned in brown attire head-to-toe.

In the tradition of roasts, Richter also honored Aubuchon with a toast.

The master of ceremonies for the night, Don Schnell, took aim at Aubuchon’s alma mater, the University of Michigan.

“Big Blue’s” recent loss to Toledo was the subject of a few jokes, and the term “Greatest College Football Upset Ever” was used to refer to Michigan’s loss to “mighty” Division II powerhouse Appalachia State last year.

Aubuchon, a former president of the CCCIA and founder of Aubuchon Homes, also took some hits for his entrance into that less-than-honorable profession of public servant.

“Before he started his political career Gary used to send me lawyer jokes all the time,” Assistant City Attorney Brian Bartos said.

“That abruptly stopped when he joined the House of Representatives,” he added.

Don’s wife, Patti, executive director of the CCCIA, also had a bone to pick with Aubuchon. While organizing the roast, she fell over a stack of old pictures of him and broke her collarbone.

“Have you ever broken your collarbone, Gary? It’s very painful,” she said.

“Gary Aubuchon is directly responsible for this poor lady’s broken collarbone,” Don Schnell added.

When the roasters were finished, Aubuchon got his chance to retort. Bob Greco, former president of the CCCIA, was one of the more unforgiving roasters and bore the brunt of Aubuchon’s backlash.

“Bob Greco, you’ve got a striking resemblance to Steve Carrell, the 40 year-old virgin,” he said.

The good-humored Aubuchon, however, handled the ribbing with aplomb.

“This is a beautiful night, thank you so much,” he said.