New wildlife sanctuary established on Pine Island
A non-profit, tax exempt 501(c) organization has been established for The Pine Island Wildlife Sanctuary, and it is reaching out for donations for land acquisition and development. The organization is looking to acquire land that is zoned either commercial or agricultural on Pine Island.
K. Matthew Ristau, Esq., Florida Wildlife Rehabilitator and President, said, “The organization’s mission is to provide both short term and long term care to sick, injured, orphaned or displaced indigenous wildlife under the permits issued by the Florida Wildlife Commission and US Fish and Wildlife. Our ultimate goal is to rescue, rehabilitate, and return Florida wildlife to their natural habitat. We are relying on the philanthropic support of individuals, corporations and foundations to provide this needed, and for many residents, more convenient service to Lee County.”
The Sanctuary is in the process of forming fund raising efforts and will be at the German American Club for the MangoMania Festival July 21 and 22. At this event the organization will accept donations and provide information about their mission.
The group has formed a board of directors, founding officers and initial volunteer staff. They are in the process of forming committees for the opening once land has been acquired. A wish list of needed donation items is also available on their website
The Sanctuary is also committed to community education through various outreach programs regarding the value of protecting our Florida wildlife and no fees are charged for the services provided to the animals. The Sanctuary exists and will continue solely by the donations from the community.
Donations can be made through the organization’s website
www.pineislandwildlifesanctuary or by mailing to: Pine Island Wildlife Sanctuary, Attn: Sally Ristau, 900 SW Pine Island Rd. #206, Cape Coral, FL 33991.
For more information contact President Matt Risau at 699-4535.