This wonderful exhibit of work from members of the beach art organizaiton as well as members of leagues throughout Southwest Florida will be on exhibit until Feb. 12 during gallery hours. This fine art show is sponsored by Red Coconut RV Resort . Visitors are welcome to visit the gallery. Work is fo"/>
This wonderful exhibit of work from members of the beach art organizaiton as well as members of leagues throughout Southwest Florida will be on exhibit until Feb. 12 during gallery hours. This fine art show is sponsored by Red Coconut RV Resort . Visitors are welcome to visit the gallery. Work is fo"/>
This wonderful exhibit of work from members of the beach art organizaiton as well as members of leagues throughout Southwest Florida will be on exhibit until Feb. 12 during gallery hours. This fine art show is sponsored by Red Coconut RV Resort . Visitors are welcome to visit the gallery. Work is fo" />

Winter Juried Show at Fort Myers Beach Art Association

3 min read

The Winter Juried Show held a reception Sunday and awarded prizes for outstanding works of art. The judge, Mary Ann Beckwith NWS,TWSA,ISEA, said, “The work is fresh and exciting and represents the best of what is being done today. The quality is excellent. Your efforts are beautiful.”

This wonderful exhibit of work from members of the beach art organizaiton as well as members of leagues throughout Southwest Florida will be on exhibit until Feb. 12 during gallery hours. This fine art show is sponsored by Red Coconut RV Resort . Visitors are welcome to visit the gallery. Work is for sale.

The awards were given to:

First Prize Danica Walker “Gerbera” wc

Second Prize JoAnn S. Ostrowski “Hanging in There” wc

Third Prize Janet Mach Dutton “Pecking Order wc

Rasmussen Award Anne Kittel “Homage to the Square” wc on gesso

Merit awards

Patty Kane “Red Toes” wc

Kathryn N. Miller “The Way Out” wc

Bea Pappas “Waiting” wc

Sue Pink “Seaside” wc

Honorable mentions

Loraine Centineo “Beyond the Door: Rev.3:20 mixed

Sylvia J. Kasparie “Celebrating Yellow II” collage

Joan Klutch “Unsayable Spirit” wc

Shelia Stilin “Carmen Who?” wc

The gallery is located on Donora Street, off Estero Blvd at the blinking light. Hours are 10-3 Monday-Saturday and 12-3 on Sunday. For more information call 463-3909 or visit the website at

New short workshops offered by Beach Art Association

The Fort Myers Beach Art Association is offering a variety of shorter workshops at their gallery during the months of February and March. These are all local artists who will be sharing their talents and expertise with their students.

Feb. 5 and 6- Mary Ann Devos will do a jewlry workshop with precious metal clay. She will show you how to make beautiful silver and stone pieces that you can complete and take home at the end of the sessions. Cost is $60. per day, take one or two, plus supplies.

Feb. 16 and 17- Carl Schwartz, a nationally recognized artist and teacher will teach an acrylic workshop. Cost is $60. per day.

Feb. 19 and 20 -Dannica Walker, a local award winner and teacher, will teach a watercolor workshop and show some of her color and design techniques. Cost is $50. per day.

March 1-Neil Walling an award winning oil painter will give a demonstration at the gallery at 4 p.m. There will be a fee of $10. for this demo. Neil recently won the first place prize in the fall show at the Beach Art association.

March 5,6 and 7-Neil Walling will teach oil painting (and some acrylic). His workshop is divided into the first day of basics, second day landscapes and third day portraits. Cost is $60. per day or $150. for all three days.

These workshops are open to members and non-members. Those who are not members will be asked to pay an extra $10. per day per class. Sign up sheets and more information can be found at the Donora street gallery. For more information call the art association at 463-3909 or Karen Borden at 463-0434 or email

The Fort Myers Beach Art Association will also be the site for classes with Patty Kane on Mondays, a workshop in March with Fred Dingler, and the various painting groups.

The gallery is located on Donora Street, off Estero Blvd at the blinking light. Hours are 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday-Saturday and noon until 3 p.m. on Sunday. For more information call 463-3909 or visit the website at