
Beach Pilot Club donates to soldier

3 min read

Lt. Brian D. Cooper and C Company were chosen to receive donated items for the Pilot Club’s Patriotic Program because of my conversation with my hairdresser!

Brian is Cheryl’s brother and one day while I was in the beauty salon, Cheryl and I got to talking about her brother. She mentioned he was in Iraq and I mentioned that it would be great to send a Christmas gift to him while he was in Iraq. As we talked further, the idea expanded to an “Adopt a Soldier” program of sorts which included his whole Company and my getting the Pilot Club and Waterside involved in procuring items to be donated.

The Pilot Club and Waterside began a crusade for donated items and the response was overwhelming!

We shipped 16 boxes of items, including toiletries, games, books, magazines, over the counter medicines, socks, canned meats, writing utensils, paper, and snacks!

Brian and I have corresponded by e-mails since the inception of the idea and each time I write that we “at home” are thankful for the service to our country and the dedication of preserving the freedom for our country. He always writes back that the service men and women get strength from knowing that we ‘at home’ are supporting them.

I received the flag and certificate of authenticity yesterday morning and presented it last night at the meeting.

After the Pilot Membership meeting last week I wrote an e-mail to our adopted soldier, Brian Cooper and told him the flag his troop sent us was presented at our membership meeting.

I told him the flag was unfurled and the certificate of authenticity was read while “America the Beautiful” was playing softly in the background. I also told him that the flag and the certificate were presented to the Fort Myers Beach Pilot Club with a tearful pomp and circumstance.

This is his response:

Barb, I am thrilled to see the patriotism of great Americans! I am glad that I was able to personally fly the great flag representing the United States of America. The flag and certificate were the least that my company and I could do for the Pilot Club! You have shown more support and gave so generously to manythat you have not even met and that touches everyone of us here! Thanks again for all the boxes of goodies!

Just a little update here: The other night I flew David Cook “American Idol” winner from last season. We were the pilots in charge of moving him and his band to perform live for us. I guess that was our highlight for the day! It’s nice to see artist come here to perform for the guys and gals. They appreciate it.