Town to kick off Christmas in style this week
The annual Beach Christmas Lighting of the Gazebo area, near the fountain at Snug Harbor is at 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6 in conjunction with the Boat Parade.
Mayor Larry Kiker will say a few words and the Estero Island Garden Club president will also say a few words commemorating the club’s 50th anniversary after which time the mayor will signal for the lights to go on.
Carolers will be on hand, warm cider and candy canes will be passed out to everyone.
The town will also have a big container for all new unwrapped toys (in conjunctions with the Spirit of the Holidays fund-raiser) sponsored by the Greater Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce and the Fort Myers Beach Fire District.
Ornament contest
Burrito A GoGo has done an ornament contest for the Beach School third graders, said PTO President Tracey Gore.
“Nicole Cilley put up a Christmas tree in front of the Go-Go in Times Square with the ornaments on it. She is having people vote on their favorite ornament. The winner gets a grand prize, but all the kids win something,” Gore said.
A party is planned for the kids sometime in December, when the winner will be announced.
Beach school kids will also be singing at Times Square during the boat parade and lighting of the Christmas tree.
“When people go to the square for the lighting of the Christmas Tree and to Snug Harbor to watch the boat parade,, they could stop by and pick their favorite ornament,” Gore said.
Cypress Lake concert
A winter band concert is set for Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. at the Cypress Laske High School Auditorium.
All are urged to come and support the band, which is raising money to perform in the spring at Carnegie Hall.
Special guests at the concert Thursday are Amber Blair, soprano, and Joseph Kreines, composer/ conductor.
Jazz it up
Beach United Methodist Church is offering a “Christmas Magic” concert on Monday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m.
A free-will offering will be collected.
The show features internationally acclaimed bass bartone Doug Renfroe, former Southwest Florida Symphony cellist Julie Cornwall, mezzo-soprano Libby Hoyer-Booth, jazz singer Marcy Hopp, and well-known tenor Robert Beane. Concert oganist/pianist Dr. Robert Reeves will accompany. The song lineup includes both sacred and popular holiday favorites.
The church is at 155 Bay Road (behind the library).
This is the first concert of the church’s annual Hibiscus Series.
For more, call the church office at 463-9656.
For more, see the Holiday Happenings section, Page 24.
FGCU Holiday concert
The FGCU Bower School of Music presents its annual Holiday Concert Thursday, Dec. 4.
The public is invted to attend the 7:30 p.m. concert at the Student Union ballroom.
The concert includes performances by the Wind Orchestra, Chamber Singers, University Choir and Symphony Orchestra featuring works by Adler, Basler, Bass, Dello Joio, Shaw, and Tchaikovsky.
The concert is free and open to the public; however, due to limited seating, complimentary tickets are required.
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