Kiwanis learns about Habitat for Humanity
Karen Quanstrom, vice president of development from Habitat for Humanity, spoke at the recent Beach Kiwanis Club’s breakfast meeting Dec. 2.
Here is what she shared with us about Habitat: It is a charitable, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing housing for those who cannot otherwise afford a decent place to live, with the ultimate goal of eliminating sub-standard housing in Lee County, contributing to family and community stability.
u Habitat for Humanity of Lee County has built more than 900 homes since its beginning in 1982.
u Our research shows that 8 percent of homes in Lee County (about 10,000) are considered to be substandard, resulting in an enormous backlog of families seeking a decent place to live right here in Lee County.
u To qualify for a Habitat home applicants must be in need of housing, have the ability to pay a mortgage and be willing to join in partnership with Habitat. The partnership includes earning 500 “sweat equity” hours, or volunteer labor on the job and attending classes that teach participants how to become self-sufficient homeowners.
u The rewards are many, including new self-respect, community pride and strengthened family bonds.
u Habitat homes are sold at no profit to the new homeowners who make interest-free, monthly mortgage payments to Habitat for Humanity.
u The money comes from donations made by individuals, places of worship, corporations and civic organizations. No government funds are used for the actual construction of homes. Habitat for Humanity International in Georgia does not fund the construction of homes in our part of the country. Funds are raised locally to build homes in our community.
For more information go to or call 652-0434
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
The Fort Myers Beach Kiwanis Club meets Friday mornings for a 7 a.m. breakfast at St. Peter Lutheran Church, 3751 Estero Blvd.
Guests are always welcome.
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