
Beach Pilot Club: ‘all dressed up for the holidays’

1 min read

The Pilot Club and Foundation of Fort Myers Beach sends greetings to the residents and visitors of the Beach; Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Peaceful and Healthy New Year to all.

The club maintains this garden at the corner of Lanark and Estero Boulevard along with its adopted area of beachfront. Members meet quarterly to gather debris left on the beach by forgetful visitors. Beach-wide cleanups were the club’s first project in 1985 and it is now done twice yearly in coordination with Keep Lee County Beautiful. The Pilot Club was the first Lee County organization to participate in the “Adopt-A-Shore” program.

Pilots meet monthly for a dinner, program and business meeting.

The club welcomes new members. For information on membership and activities, contact President Donna Raymond at 463-1839.