Kiwanis Club gets inside scoop on library expansion
Leroy Hommerding, director of the Fort Myers Beach Library, spoke about the new expansion during the Beach Kiwanis Club’s Nov. 14 breakfast meeting,
He explained that adding to our existing library building will not only allow us to house our expanding collection, it will open the door to offering a wider range of resources and activities, including public meeting space, gallery and performance space, specific areas for youth, and a computer lab.
While technology plays a big role in contemporary libraries, the attractiveness of the traditional environment of quiet study and reflective learning remains an important element in our design goals.
Our building must be exemplary in its environmental friendliness, and must maximize the use of natural light and minimize visual and physical barriers. It must capture the essence of life on a barrier island.
Today, the library has 79 volunteers to help keep the cost in check with a board of seven who are also volunteers.
“Come to our facility and enjoy all if has to offer, volunteers are also always needed,” Hommerding said.
Check out for more information.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
The Fort Myers Beach Kiwanis Club meets Friday mornings for a 7 a.m. breakfast at St. Peter Lutheran Church, 3751 Estero Blvd. Guests are always welcome. For more information, visit