Beach Pilot Club donates to the Gresham-Kite Scholarship House
Pilot members recently toured the Gresham-Kite Scholarship House at Florida Gulf Coast University and presented a $300 check to Resident Assistant Jennifer Gallmeier for use towards needs of the house.
The house was built with funds raised by Florida Pilot Clubs and opened to students in 2002. Sixteen undergraduate female scholarship students live in the house and all must contribute to its operation with cooking, cleaning, and shopping duties. The residents are required to maintain a 3.0 scholastic average and this year, the house average is 3.8.
The Southern Scholarship Foundation coordinates the application and eligibility process for the three Pilot Scholarship Houses in Tallahassee, Gainsville and at FGCU.
The Beach Pilot Club meets monthly for a dinner and business meeting. The Club welcomes new members.
For information on activities and membership, contact President Donna Raymond at 463-1839.