Beach Chamber seeks board members
The Greater Fort Myers Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors would like to announce to its membership there are four open Director positions on the Board. The terms begin Jan. 1, 2013 and end Dec. 31, 2015. The qualifications per the Chamber Bylaws are as follows:
– Article VI – Board of Directors/ Section 2: Qualifications
The qualifications for becoming and remaining a Director are: The Director must be a current member or employee of a current member in good standing per Article IV and an individual of good character who has demonstrated their interest and support of the objectives and purposes for which the Greater Fort Myers Beach Area Chamber of Commerce is organized. To be considered for the Board, the individual must have been a current member of the Chamber for one year prior to consideration and served on the Planning Committee of one of the Chamber’s yearly events or a member of a Chamber Committee for one year or served as a volunteer at several Chamber events or a measurable combination of the three areas. Directors are expected to attend and participate in Board meetings on a regular basis as per Article VI Section 5, functions and special events of the Chamber and perform such other duties as prescribed by the Chairman of the Board.
If you are interested in being considered for one of the Director positions and meet the qualifications listed above you must submit in writing your request to Norma Jean Pevey, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, at before 5 p.m. this Thursday, Oct. 25.