
Business Ethics Award presented to Hope Healthcare

2 min read

Hope HealthCare, based in Lee County, was named the 2012 recipient of the Uncommon Friends Foundation’s Business Ethics Award. Robbie Roepstorff, president of Edison National Bank, was presented with an honorary life membership in the organization.

Samira Beckwith, president and CEO of Hope HealthCare, accepted the ethics award at the annual Uncommon Evening event held at Harborside Event Center, downtown Fort Myers, on June 7. Hope HealthCare was one of three finalists for the award. The other finalists were Colliers International Southwest Florida and Ted Todd Agency.

Roepstorff received the honorary lifetime membership based on her long-standing support and adherence to the mission of the Uncommon Friends Foundation, especially in the support of character education.

Scholarships were presented to 16 students and four teachers were recognized for their creation of smart-board presentations of the foundation’s character education curriculums.

Previous business ethics award recipients include HomeBanc Mortgage Corp., WilsonMiller, Inc., Bonita Bay Group, Shell Point Retirement Community, Markham Norton Mosteller Wright & Co., and Conditioned Air.

Previous honorary life memberships have been presented to former Beach residents Jim and Ellie Newton, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Porter Goss, Berne Davis, Walter Cronkite, Fran Myers, and other area notables.

The Uncommon Friends Foundation, a not for profit 501(c)3 organization established in 1993, is dedicated to lifelong character building among today’s youth and business leaders. Its mission is to promote character education in schools, business ethics in the workplace and historic preservation of the Burroughs Home and James Newton archives.

For more information, call 337-9505 or visit www.uncommonfriends,org.