12 Steps to Getting to Know Your Bartender: Rebecca Draper

Nickname: Becca, and sometimes people call me Lois, from Family Guy.
Astrological sign: Leo.
Birthplace: Stoughton, Mass.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Totally chocolate.
Coffee or Tea? Tea.
Sausage or Bacon? Bacon, for sure.
Plane or Train? Plane.
1) When you were younger, what’d you want to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be a vet.
2) What’s your drink of choice? Vodka on the rocks. Just plain Three Olives.
3) Do you have a collection or hobby? No. I work too much.
4) When you’re in a Vegas casino, what’s the first game or table you hit up? Probably blackjack or Texas hold ’em whichever’s closer.
5) Who would you want to play the role of you in a movie of your life? The young Julia Roberts. She’s very witty and plays a smartass well.
6) Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Southern California, owning a flower shop.
7) Who was your celebrity crush in high school? Brad Pitt. All day, all long.
8) What’s your absolute biggest pet peeve? I have a lot, actually. For one, people who drive slow in the fast lane. Get over to the right already!
9) Fave chill-out movie? “Super Troopers.”
10) What cartoon character do you most relate to? SpongeBob Squarepants, because he lives in a pineapple. I feel like I live in a pineapple.
11) If you were a wild animal, what would you be? I’d be some kind of bird, probably a little colorful birdie, like a sun conure.
12) Describe yourself in one word. Humble.