Why the bank did not accept OOA donations
To the editor:
Please allow me a brief explanation as to why my bank refused charitable donations after Operation Open Arms was designated a Public Charity by the Internal Revenue Service.
Since founding Operation Open Arms in 2005, it was never my wish to have money become part of this unique and nationally recognized military outreach program.
The success of OOA was driven by Sandy Hook Restaurant providing free meals, the Tarpon Lodge providing free rooms, and Alden Pines hooking up our troops with free golf. OOA now has over 220 Sponsors like the aforementioned in Lee, Collier, Charlotte, plus Columbus, Ohio. (OOA-Ohio will be 1 year old on July 4, 2009). Cutting right through any further perfume, standard bank policy within all banks is to not accept any personal checks more than one year old. One reader of the OOA article said, “You need a new bank.” No bank in Lee County would make an exception to this policy.
As well, if my decision to accept cash donations before the IRS designated OOA a 501-C-3, these donations would not be fully tax deductible. IRS rules regarding such matters is like being pregnant. You are or you are not. There is no gray area with the IRS.
To date, I have never accepted a dime, a tip, gas money, or any benefit personally from any contributor, OOA sponsor or our troops. Shutting down Operation Open Arms will break my heart. Recently the Commanding General of the 1st Army invited me personally to Colorado for a Warrior Summit on PTSD. Few people know General Mark Graham lost his oldest son in Iraq and lost his youngest son after he returned from Iraq. PTSD. Committed suicide.
Think about this little in the news twist irony. The Governor of South Carolina might use taxpayer money for a romantic interlude to Argentina and I made a decision at the same time not to use OOA donations to attend a Warrior Summit on PTSD in Colorado at the request of General of the 1st Army? Everyone associated with Operation Open Arms seems to share one attribute. Honor.
Capt John “GiddyUp” Bunch
Founder, Operation Open Arms
St. James City