Socialism to replace capitalism
To the editor:
Why after more than 200 years… after establishing a system that proved itself to be the best in the world… after the methods produced the greatest society civilization has ever seen… after it has been recognized many times over… that capitalism encourages a competitive relationship between hard- working ambitious people and this kind of arena makes for a healthy and powerful nation.
Why…why now are we shifting gears, trashing capitalism and turning to a methodology that has proven to be the first step towards communism and the destroyer of ambition, achievement, dedication and competition.
No doubt that capitalism is not a panacea and surely fine-tuning may have its place. But to take our lead from failed Third World countries or from Russia or from China, that borders on the insane.
Unfortunately, all of it is political. The present administration, taking advantage of a period of tough times have promoted the idea that the distribution of wealth is the way to salvation and prosperity. It’s a philosophy that only excites those that don’t want to work, are not interested in competition, and will destroy America.
Factually, once the capitalistic system goes, who will pay the taxes, who will run the companies and provide jobs, our pride in ourselves and our nation will disappear. Even the incentive to educate ourselves will be removed and we’ll be left with an America filled with broken people who have lost both direction and purpose.
The pinheads in Washington are not smarter than Reagan, Roosevelt, Jefferson, Kennedy and so many more. An inexperienced president or a Nancy Pelosi or a babbling Biden… if these people value America, they need to do more listening and less talking. Capitalism should always be synonymous with the United States of America.
Dick Kalfus
Cape Coral