
Resident gives “the truth about Shark Fest’s challenge”

1 min read

To the editor:

Are you man enough to catch a shark, then cut the line so the shark swims for the next two months with a three inch steel hook lodged in its throat, attached to three feet of steel leader hanging from it’s mouth, until it eventually rusts out, dislodges and most probably is swallowed by the shark?

All this in the name of “Shark Education”. The name should be changed from “catch and release” to “catch, maim, mutilate, torture and release.”

As a 30-year resident of Fort Myers Beach and retired charter boat captain, I have always known Fort Myers Beach to proudly be identified as “The World’s Safest Beach”. Now we’re chumming the waters off our shoreline as the home of Sharkfest. Make up your mind.

I will support this event when the format is changed to a “diver, in the water” spearfishing event.


Captain Sam Lurie

Fort Myers Beach