Reader says ‘vote yes on Town support for Bay Oaks’
To the editor:
My wife, Susan, and I have been full-time island residents since 1990 and are writing to encourage your support of Bay Oaks and its continuing presence in our community.
The Bay Oaks senior program (BOSS) has become a wonderful “value added” feature of living here and would be sorely missed.
When we define our life within the small group that comprise us islanders, we find more and more meaning in the shared activities so wonderfully provided within and by our very own center. Please understand how much acting as a community goes into truly being a community and how much Bay Oaks is a part of so many of our friends island lives as well as our own.
And, we cannot let this pass without mentioning Lauri Satalino who is the very heart and creator of so much that Bay Oaks has become. Our island treasures come in all forms and Lauri stands very tall among them.
Russell & Susan Carter
Fort Myers Beach