
Reader asks a higher power for blessing

2 min read

To the editor:

We live in a world of nuclear giants and ethical ignorance. We’ve embraced the deadly atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount. We revel in the face of killing babies in the womb. And, we take the position that the Supreme Court has the authority to overrule the laws inscribed in the Bible.

We act as if sin is not shameful, and we conduct ourselves with reckless abandon without caring about consequences or how our actions impact on either morality or the laws of God.

And, yet, despite of all this and more, we have the nerve to mumble ‘God Bless America,’ as if He is oblivious to our actions and doesn’t care about our blatant disrespect. I don’t pretend to know what God is thinking, as He watches pompous arrogant people conduct themselves in a way that surely offends Him, but I do believe that we crossed the line and we’re in a danger zone that could serve to produce, if we’re not careful, a disaster for generations to come.

If we truly believe in God. And, if we believe that we need God to bless America, we need to respect His laws and become a nation deserving of His grace, not His wrath, before its too late!

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral