
MRTF “Work In Progress” Report

3 min read

The Marine Resources Task Force is pleased to report to the Fort Myers Beach Town Council on the projects it has taken up and progress in that regard. Following is a list and update on each. MRTF welcomes direction from town council on any of these issues.

> Managed Beach Zone Plan – The committee received an update from Environmental Sciences Coordinator Keith Laakkonen regarding the progress of the Managed Beach Zones Plan.

> Fertilizer Ordinance Education – MRTF received a progress report from Keith Laakkonen regarding the Fertilizer Ordinance Education program. Newspaper advertising has been placed in both local papers for two editions. These ads followed up on vice chair Jeff Werner’s recent article in both papers. A radio spot for our town radio station and and a notice for the town Web site are completed and plans are underway for a Public Service Announcement to be run on the town’s community access cable channel 98 during council meeting breaks. Voluntary signage is being implemented for our on-island fertilizer retailers. We are also receiving “spillover” awareness from Lee County’s PSA efforts on television. We anticipate that it will be necessary to launch a second educational campaign when our seasonal residents return. We will investigate the necessity for a direct mail campaign at that time, subject to compliance monitoring in the interval.

> Environmental Poster – MRTF discussed a preliminary layout of a poster to be placed in condos and other high visibility locations to educate citizens and visitors on critical conservation efforts to protect wildlife, birds, turtles and the beach environment.

> Canal Dredging — MRTF discussed the Waterway Evaluation Methodology study done in 2003 and reached consensus to monitor the public interest in dredging of individual canals. MRTF Vice Chair Jeff Werner and members Jay Light and John Shaw volunteered to undertake a canal depth study after hurricane season to update the 2002 data from the study.

> Educational Brochure – MRTF received an update from member Roger Johnson on distribution efforts of our Visitor Brochure. We continue to achieve maximum penetration in the condo, resort and rental markets to further our educational campaign directed at visitors.

> Kite Surfers – Responding to public input, MRTF discussed complaints about Kite Surfers possibly presenting a danger to swimmers and agreed to monitor the situation but take no action at this time. Staff Liaison Keith Laakkonen expressed concern over the adverse effects to nesting birds on Little Estero CWA from Ultralights flying low over the area and will investigate enforcement options.

Respectfully submitted to Town Council members following the regular monthly meeting of the Marine Resources Task Force.

submitted by Charles Hester

Chair, MRTF