Former leasee gives his side
To the editor:
Let’s get some facts straight. I did lease Shamrock Irish Pub from Mike Von Plinsky. I didn’t leave in the middle of the night. It was actually Sunday morning when my lease and the 10 days he so kindly gave me after he and his cohorts had promised to sign a new lease with lower rent. I took what I brought in there and left it in the same condition it was given to me in.
I did an inspection with Mr. Von Plinsky and he was content with that. I am not sure why he is attacking me. I bowed out gracefully when I could have taken the lower road and raised hell. I was lied to and misled. I could go on about all the deception and lies, but frankly I just want to move on.
I want to thank all the loyal customers and good friends that my wife and I made and we really appreciate The Breadman for all his hard work and friendship. You’re the best!
One final thing, Congrats to Mike Hotz. He has been a friend of ours for awhile. We wish him the best of luck.
Clark Youngs
Fort Myers