
Councilwoman says wait on all facts on water issue

1 min read

To the editor:

This is with regard to the letter, or op-ed piece, submitted by the FMB Civic Association (written by Lee Melsek, whose writing style is very recognizable) regarding the Council’s handling of the water utility issues:

I agree that if people have not been billed properly all these years, that we have to find a way to recoup what we legally and morally can. But many of the folks who MAY have been underbilled – something which has not, as yet, been determined – are long gone. Would it be fair to “penalize” the current owners for what may have been a billing snafu, which again, I state, has not actually been determined?

My main issue with Mr. Melsek’s comments is that he states the FMB Town Council has taken a “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach to the whole billing issue. That is absolutely untrue. I simply cannot recall having any discussion, or taking any vote, to adopt this stance. What we did do is decide to wait until we have ALL the facts before we begin to develop policy and solutions for this and other situations surrounding the water utility.

Jo List

Seat 4

Fort Myers Beach Town Council