
Concerns on town issues

1 min read

To the editor:

The water fees that the Observer featured on the front page left me with many questions. Isn’t the base fee per duplex currently per meter? If the Town of Fort Myers Beach is going to charge for each unit, shouldn’t they also have to provide seperate meters so that each unit can pay it’s own utility bill?

For years the individual owners in each duplex have been burdened with an unfair advantage of paying for half of the use of the units combined and not their individual consumption. How will back fees of condos that have sold over the years be collected? Is this something that new owners should consider filing against their title insurance?

On other matters, when is the town going to upgrade it’s mosquito control to include spraying by helicopter over the wildlife areas? Where/when are the canoe launches that the town planned for years ago going to be put in for the public to use the public canals?

Raymond Elwell

Fort Myers Beach