
Beach library says ‘thanks’ to those who donate

5 min read

Weekly Activities

> Preschool Story Hour on Wednesday, June 24, at 10:30 a.m.

> Jewelry Making class on Thursday, June 25, at 1:30 p.m.

Activity Details

Preschool Story Hour continues on June 24. Recently “The Today Show” showed how much these times contribute in the lives of children and families. We recognize the educational benefit children receive when they participate in well-structured story times. Children learn vocabulary, are exposed to phonemic awareness, participate in dialogic reading (open-ended questions that help children develop critical thinking skills) and of course they have fun.

Jewelry Making class on June 25 will focus on ideas for creating a pair of earrings. Artist Carrie Hill will offer hands-on directions. Pre-register and $10 materials fee.

Upcoming Activities

Summer Reading Program begins on Tuesday, July 7, with sessions at 9:30 a.m. for those ages 5 to 7, and at 11 a.m. for those ages 10 and 11. The following week, Tuesday, July 14, will have sessions at 9:30 a.m. for those ages 8 & 9, and at 11 a.m. for those ages 12 & 13. Pre-registration is necessary. See poster also for follow-up sessions in July and August.

In perfect time for our nation’s birthday, a Patriotic sight & sound presentation on July 8 at 10:30 a.m. will focus on the sights of Washington, D.C., particularly its monuments and central government sites.

Those who need assistance on getting started on Internet searching can sign up for the Beginners session on Friday, July 10, at 10:30 a.m. Check poster also for some early reading in preparation for the session. While beginners need not understand everything that is read, having some familiarity will make this class time more productive.

Book Discussion

Participants really had an enriching time in discussing “Run” by Ann Patchett last week. One of the clear benefits of such group sharing is that one comes to see so much more in a work that one has read, and also has the opportunity to clear up unknown aspects of the story.

Another benefit is that one comes to appreciate the reading experience and life experience that each reader brings to the work. If you haven’t taken advantage of this wise practice, consider attending the book discussion during the summer. The group meets the third Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. On July 21, the group will be discussing “Friday Night Knitting Club” by Kate Jacobs. To make it easier to have a copy you can linger with, or even write notes in, or really get into to make the book discussion even more beneficial, copies of the work are available weeks ahead of time for just $6. This is only a benefit though and not a requirement.

The group and moderator believe in quality, not quantity, so there is no following the bestseller lists or the big-budget titles. The range of interesting, thought-provoking titles makes the participation in the book discussion particularly rewarding.

Again, summer is a good time for participating in the group when there are less attending. You also won’t be put on the spot so come to hear the discussion, and contribute as you’re ready.

Adding to the Collection

There are those who like to browse the titles being added to our collection. If you’re at the Beach Library homepage, click on Search oval, then click on New Items oval. Highlight in Find “any fields” and “contain” or “begin with” after the word that. If you highlight ‘this month’ after the column ‘Received Since’, then you’ll get a list of all titles we have ordered and ones that have been physically added to the collection. If you click in the box in front of Search Available Items Only, then it will show you the new titles that are physically here. In the search box, don’t fill in anything to get the complete list.

On Order means titles that have been ordered, e.g. a Sandra Brown title that is scheduled for publication in August may have been ordered June 15 and therefore it’s ON ORDER though, of course, it won’t be here until after it’s released.


If you’re brought in magazines, books or DVDs as a donation in recent weeks, thank you for your kindness. Every title we can add expands our collection, or might replace one that we would order otherwise which means more titles are available, and may give us the funds to locate a title we wouldn’t otherwise be able to do.

If you’ve dropped a donation in the Construction Fund box near the model of the new library, thank you also. Every dollar here means one less dollar that needs to be borrowed.


Jane Buckingham is the 39-year-old founder and head of the Intelligence Group which tries to decipher trends in culture. She claims to listen to what consumers tell her. She refers to Generation Y, the 72 million aged 14 to 28, as IWWIW (I want what I want. I want it when I want it. And I want it how I want it.)

If you want to explore possible trends, look at her “What’s next: the experts’ guide: predictions from 50 of America’s most compelling people” (973.93).

Library Hours

Don’t remember library hours? Call for information. When we are closed, a recorder gives the hours of operation, either on 765-8162, or on 765-8163. Except for holidays, which would be mentioned on the recorder, we are open Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. We look forward to seeing you.